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 Scintillian's All Star Cast

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Join date : 2014-08-17

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PostSubject: Scintillian's All Star Cast   Scintillian's All Star Cast I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2014 2:15 pm

Blue Suite  Golden
Name and Lastname: Hagine Mearrh
Played by: HagineMearrh

Scintillian's All Star Cast Snap_ox1Pq10Zjd1871731212

Appearance: Petite with pale skin, blue eyes and red hair that she usually lets flow free. Most often she can be seen wearing her work outfit, because that's what she does most of the time, work under her father's guidance. In her free-time she prefers long dresses. She always wears a little clock-like construct in her left wrist. That is her little work in progress, her recorder that she wishes to develop into some even more advanced information storage device in the future.


Title: The Prosthetics Worker, neophyte, tinkerer

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Citadel-nationality: The Golden Tower

Profession: Prosthetics worker


Magus: Methlor Mearrh (her father), a prosthetics worker who has his own workshop with decent success, attempting to climb on top of the Tower's prosthetics industry.

Minor Arcanas: The Major Construct Arcana: Minor Prosthetics Shaping Arcana, Minor Mechanical Cybernetics Arcana

Anchoring: Humming a familiar tune.

Casting: Assembling. She molds the raw materials by hand into whatever she wants them to be and gradually assembles the parts into something more complicated, starting from the inner parts and then doing the outer layer last. She's unable to create the raw materials herself. She can also form a 'connection' with machinery by touching them with her wrists, see the inner workings of constructs and manipulate them to a certain degree.


Rumour: "Such a sweet, prim and proper young lady she is, almost like a Lady of the Golden Gentry! Well, maybe a bit too crazy about the Libri and reading some ancient history books, but at least she knows what she's doing at the workshop."

"Their workshop is doing so well after that big breakthrough and still that girl looks like she's swallowed a bunch of copper bolts. What is her problem?"

Political Standpoint: She has conflicted feelings about breaking the Seal. On the other hand she would love to know the truth behind the fables, but then again she has been raised in the Blue Suite-culture and her own natural cautiousness also makes her question the world which would be revealed, assuming there is something outside the Towers. She's afraid of the possibility that the world outside would indeed be an inhabitable wasteland, or extremely dangerous in some other way.

Religious Standpoint: Atheistic.

Last edited by Scintillian on Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:28 am; edited 34 times in total
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Join date : 2014-08-17

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PostSubject: Re: Scintillian's All Star Cast   Scintillian's All Star Cast I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2014 4:40 pm

Blue Suite  Azure
Name and Lastname: Clymere Galsivia
Played by: HagineMearrh
Scintillian's All Star Cast Violet11
Scintillian's All Star Cast Snap_R3qcggi2Gd1075582284


Title: -

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Citadel-nationality: Azure

Profession: Student at Violette Academy


Magus: None yet, but her mother taught her some basics of focus while teaching her to play the instrument of her choice.

Minor Arcanas: Plans to master Minor Melisma Vis Opes Arcana.

Anchoring: Her lyre and the personal feelings invested in it help her concentrate naturally.

Casting: Not capable of this yet~


Rumour: "You still remember that 'accident' fifteen years ago, when Lord Dinesus Galsivia's young wife became pregnant with that girl? Everyone and their aunt knew that the child was not really his, remember? Well, now they have finally decided to send her to that notorious all-girls Academy, Vignette or whatever. I'd say that proves I was in the right all along."

Political Standpoint: She's too young to have much to say about politics yet.

Religious Standpoint: Ditto ^

Last edited by HagineMearrh on Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:15 am; edited 15 times in total
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Join date : 2014-08-17

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PostSubject: Ciseron Lamiang   Scintillian's All Star Cast I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 26, 2014 6:50 pm

Red Suite Ivory

Name and Lastname: Ciseron Lamiang
Played by: HagineMearrh

Scintillian's All Star Cast Snap_GlbhGmoBSW76392366


Title: The RE Neophyte

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Citadel-nationality: Ivory

Profession: Currently a waiter in Ivorem Ristorante (Before that as a fertility specialist in Silentium Medicae)


Magus: Cael O'Hgar, his kind of a foster father and a former Obsidian Tower citizen who fell in love with the healers, ALL them lady nurses and doctors in the Ivory Tower and for that decided to change towers, or at least that's what he keeps telling people but how can you ever know for sure with obsidianites? He began steering his creation of a special kind of auditory hallucination arcana into a more benevolent direction where the trigger words could be used for concentration in healing instead of causing confusion in enemies.

Minor Arcanas: Tacticle Muscle Mastery, Reproductive Endocrine Stabilization

Anchoring: He would regain his focus during spellcasting by rubbing the the fingertips of his thumb and middle finger together. It helps him calm down and relax as he regains just the right rythm in doing so.

Casting: Tactile Muscle Mastery: Massaging. | Reproductive Endocrine Stabilization: Sonar whispering. He uses soundwaves infused with mana to locate the damaged areas and then certain key words to focus his healing to a specified part of the body. Can also use his sonar to check up on unborn babies. The soft, soothing whispering is key to getting the gentle effect needed for the delicate work, and it is also great for relaxing the patients while in care.


Rumour: "What I find quite strange is; why such a sweet and attractive young man has never had any female companions. You'd think he's at least interested when you look at the specialty he has chosen for himself!"

"Now he has disappeared from work entirely! I heard someone saw him at a restaurant waiting tables!"

Political Standpoint: Quite unconcerned usually, unless the politics lead to battles where people get killed and hurt. Then he has a problem with the whole thing.

Religious Standpoint: Atheistic.

Last edited by HagineMearrh on Thu Mar 19, 2015 6:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Scintillian's All Star Cast   Scintillian's All Star Cast I_icon_minitime

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