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 WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters)

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PostSubject: WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters)   WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2015 3:29 am

Blue Suite

.:: THE BASICS ::.

WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) 2s6tyeh
Name: Alessandra Argyres
Title: Neophyte
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Profession: Portalist
Citadel Nationality: Alessandra's mother left the Obsidian Tower to be with her father, a council member in the Azurite Tower. Despite her mother's heritage, she has been quite sheltered by her father and his die-hard Blue Suite lifestyle, knowing only the Azurite way.
Azure  Septagram  Obsidian
Despite her father's attempts to shape his children in similar following to himself as a die hard Azurite, Alessandra herself is unsure as to where she stands in the war, and feels very caught in the middle between her own beliefs and her pressing family's requirements.


Major Arcana: Major Space Arcana
Magnus: Ziedas Flemmel
Minor Arcana(s): SPACE-->Minor Gateway/Teleportation Arcana ; SPACE--> Minor Illusion/Glamour Arcana ; SEA--> Minor Water Arcana ; SPACE--> Minor Scarlet Manipulation Arcana
Anchoring: Alessandra uses an amulet, passed down through generations of her father's family, a rich and powerful Azurite family which prides themselves on knowledge and arcane power.
Casting: For casting particularly, Alessandra uses runes, incantations, and spells to perform. For Major Sea Arcana, she uses incantations and spells, where as for Major Space Arcana she prefers spells and runes. The incantations are quiet whispers in the wind, quick and soft, where as the spells strike with force and power into the space and fabric of time, ringing against the air like a loud, ringing bell. Her runes she crafts in many different ways, all depending if she plans on using it in a more permanent or temporary manner, and such she is still exploring. Her casting is a mesmerizing display, particularly when she is casting Major Space Arcana, the fabric of space altering to her whim in a beautiful display of lights (if all goes right...)


Rumors: "The daughter of Antonio Argyres? Always getting herself into some sort of trouble, that one, but she holds so much potential."
"Her mother, the Obsidian woman, I hear she only married Antonio for his riches and power."
"Looks like an Azurite, spunk of an Obsidian, power of a Vermillion, creativity of a Gilded, who is she anyways?!"  
"No wonder she is the way she is, her mother is an Obsidian, what else can you expect? Shames the Argyres name."
"Volunteering for portal creation? A noble cause for a noble family, that's really admirable. Couldn't expect less from an Argyres."
"One of the only Azurites I'd actually WANT to hang out with."
Political Standpoint: Undetermined. Though it is forced upon her to be "Blue Suite or DIE!" She truly believes the entire war is a struggle between two power hungry groups trying to prove "well MY way is better!". Though she can't tell anyone that. She tries to be as uninvolved as possible.
Religious Standpoint: TBA

Last edited by Zambie on Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:32 pm; edited 7 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters)   WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 18, 2015 10:02 pm

Red Suite

.:: THE BASICS ::.

WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) 2j13hix
Name: Nefertiti Bakari
Title: Magus
Gender: Female
Age: 30 something, but she'd never tell.
Profession: Battle Mage of the sorts. Works as a teacher from time to time for younger students.
Citadel Nationality: Vermillion to the core.


Magus: Her uncle, Akareem Ra
Minor Arcanas: SKY--> Minor Storm Summoning Arcana ; EARTH--> Minor Fire Sphere Arcana ; EARTH--> Minor Ismat Magma Ignia Arcana ; NECROMANCY--> Minor Spirit Binding Arcana
Anchoring/Casting: Nefertiti has inked her arms with runes and symbols that aid her channeling of mana, and she uses arm/hand movements as well as spells to cast her magic. Some include feet movements/placements, hand gestures and movements, some even looking like tribal dances that execute powerful displays of magic. However, the Minor Spirit Binding Arcana is much different, in which she uses writings and runes to channel her magic and control the minor arcana.


Rumors: "I heard she sleeps around quite a lot, but girls will be girls."
"An honorable woman, fighting for our Empress and the freedom of all magi! We are all thankful for her service."
"Her casting is sort of enchanting, I mean, look at her, she barely looks a day over 22, with plenty of fire to match her personality."
"She's a total bitch! As are most Vermillions, so that doesn't surprise me one bit."
Political Standpoint: Vermillion Red Suite

Last edited by Zambie on Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters)   WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2015 5:28 pm

Red Suite

.:: THE BASICS ::.

WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Msof1i
Name: Tallis Urthemiel
Title: Magus
Gender: Female
Age: No one is quite sure, some say she's no older than 29, other rumors claim she is somewhere between 50 and 75 years old.
Profession: Beauty consultant, surgeon, face crafter, whatever you wish to call her.
Citadel Nationality: Ivorum. Father is an Ivorum, mother was a Gilder. Their intelligence combined created Tallis.  


Magus: Her father, Fenris the Face Sculptor. Her father was known for his intimate care over skin and his ability to shape faces into marvelous works of art. Flesh knitting, face sculpting, intricate levels of surgical perfection, Fenris preferred to be called an artist rather than a doctor. Fenris was also the Magus to other infamous magi, including Bastious the Ever Fair.
Minor Arcanas: SPACE BIRTH--> Minor Ever Fair Arcana ; BIRTH--> Minor Flesh Knitting Arcana ; BIRTH--> Minor Flesh / Skin Crafting ; BIRTH--> Minor Ghostly Penetrating Needles Arcana
Anchoring: Tallis is accustom to using several methods of anchoring. In order to properly perform her work without interruption, she must use total concentration, of which she has spent years of her life mastering. From a very young age, she has learned to be calm, near to the point of total zen, moving like her body were a part of nature, delicate and beautiful. She thinks of her craft as an art, and makes every act exactly that, art. Her hands are tattooed in dark ink, beautiful scriptures, runes and symbols that aid her when working with the skin, as if they were her surgical gloves. She also has small tattoos, little runes of tranquility and concentration, mapped across her skin. One on the back of her neck, right beneath where her scalp starts in the crook of her neck, another is at the base of her spine just before her tailbone, two mark the insides of her wrists, and two on the bottom of her feet. It is rumored she has runes for visualizing tattooed over her eyelids, though it would be in skin colored ink, so the rumor is yet to be confirmed. Years of studying the human anatomy, body, flesh, and all such biology, Tallis has mastered her trade.
Casting: Her casting is EXTREMELY hands on, often very gentle and soft, caressing and caring for the skin as if it were a masterpiece waiting for her fingers and palms to brush the strokes of beauty upon it. By closing her eyes, she can visualize the image she wishes to recreate, and her hands work the magic. The practice is very ritualistic, a zen mode created. Herbal spices and scents, particular teas that she drinks before hand to relax herself, sometimes certain music she will play to set the mood for what she is wishing to accomplish. Sometimes she will only require to wave her hands above the patient, other times it requires a more hands on approach.


Rumors: "I heard she is nearly 75 years old, though she uses flesh crafting to make herself look not a day over 20."
"It's said the Birdies are her main cliental, which means she must be pretty damn good at what she does."
"She could have done so much more with her talents, instead she chose to work as a beauty surgeon? She shouldn't call herself a true Ivorum, as she selfishly indulges into the concept of beauty."
"Absolutely gorgeous, one of the most beautiful women in the entire Citadel. Though I bet she doesn't REALLY look like that, she is a flesh crafter after all."
"Tallis sort of scares me. I mean, she's all about 'zen' and 'art' but she barely ever gets out of her smoke filled shop, and when she does she seems so cold, distant.."
"Her father worked WONDERS, let's all hope his new prodigy can work as well as he did back in his prime!"
Political Standpoint: She couldn't give two shits about the war, in fact even bringing up the subject around causes some kind of sarcastic laugh and a few passive aggressive huffs.
Religious Standpoint: Atheist, I guess.
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WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters)   WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2015 8:27 pm


.:: THE BASICS ::.

WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) 1t5u85
Name: Mahari. That's it.
Title: She goes by many names. The Sanguine Slasher is what she is known as, though not SHE herself, simply she as an assassin. Mahari the Magnificent is yet another, more so a stage name. She is the owner of Mahari's Malabar Emporium.
Age: Due to illusions, it is unsure EXACTLY how old she is, though rumors tell she is somewhere between 100 - 150 years of age at this time.
Profession: Breeder of the Malabar species. Assassin.
Citadel Nationality: Obsidianite! As a member of the Septenarius Disciples, born from both Obsidian parents, Mahari will go down in a shimmer of black surrounding her.


Magus: Both her parents were her Magus's. Her mother was the creator of the Malabar species, passing down this Minor ONLY to her daughter, as she feared other magi would do wrong with the power and knowledge of creating a race. Her father was an exceptional illusionist as well as portalist, in which he taught her the way of the Obsidians. Her mother, having died an earlier age than expected, became her inspiration to create the Minor Shapeshifting Arcana, and with her father's guidance, she now masters the art.
Minor Arcanas: BIRTH--> Minor Shapeshifting Arcana ; BIRTH--> Minor Malabar Imprinting Arcana ; SKY--> Minor Ten Airblade Scapels Arcana ; SPACE--> Minor Gateway Arcana
Anchoring: It is rumored that Mahari has two runic tattoos, one on each palm. The first, on her left, stands for "Muutaa" which also means "Transform". The second, on her right, stands for "Kaanteinen" which also means "Reverse". She uses these to channel her shapeshifting abilities. She also always carries around a very small journal, a smaller version of the one she keeps at home, with images of creatures and even a picture of herself. Also used for her shapeshifting/casting. Ten silver rings, in which she ALWAYS wears, are inscribed with runes along them, channeling her mana through to better her casting involving Imprinting, Airblades, and Gateway Arcanas.
Casting: Perfecting and preferring quick casting, Mahari uses stealthy approaches, like whispering a spell, or drawn runes to cast her arcanas. Something as simple as hand movements, quick and complex looking, and the whisper of a spell allows her to easily manipulate her arcana.

NONE OF THESE SKETCHES ARE MINE! These are all creations of Rodrigo Vega, here is a link to his DeviantArt account: For now, Mahari has only mastered ONE shifting form, though her concepts and sketches are improving. She imagines these creatures in a deep sleep like trance, which is rumored to be the reason her eyes have formed a glassy orb like stillness. The MAJORITY of these sketches are not possible to shape shift in to. There needs to be a combination of factors in order to make it possible, and several have already been tried and have failed. The following ARE POSSIBLE: The top left dog in sketch page #1. Mahari's sketches:
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Spectral_dogs_and_hyenas_by_IRIRIV
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Celulation_Page_1_by_IRIRIV
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Dragonkind_by_IRIRIV
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Arthoropods_by_IRIRIV
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Pseudo_dragons__by_IRIRIV
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Crypto_mammals_by_IRIRIV
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Mammals_by_IRIRIV
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Kelpies_and_salamanders_by_IRIRIV
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Savageish_carnivorans_units_by_IRIRIV
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Pegasi_by_IRIRIV
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Unicorns_and_Qilins_by_IRIRIV
WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Manticores_by_IRIRIV


Rumors: "She makes casting look so simple."
"I heard she can transform into a vicious looking beast that tears open her victim's throats."
"The Malabars are absolutely adorable! I own two, and they are my best friends, I am so thankful for the work Mahari has done!"
"It isn't a party unless our Sanguine Seductress is there."
"Supposedly she's half blind, an accident when she was trying to transform herself into a creature and it went terribly wrong. Some sort of film she has over her eyes, I wonder if it allows her to see things we can't see?"
"She is the kind of woman I wouldn't dream of messing with. I mean, yeah, sure she's hot, but not the good kind of hot, the kind of hot where I'm afraid she'd rip off my-"
Political Standpoint: Mahari is too good for all these politics, even if she cared for them, they would matter little to her. Her family has been an influence Obsidian family for decades now, that isn't about to change due to some power struggle between children.
Religious Standpoint: The Septenarius Disciples

Malabars: Concepts for apperances:
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WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Empty
PostSubject: Adela Crompton    WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2015 12:52 am

Blue Suite

.:: THE BASICS ::.

WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) Tyt0j
Name: Adela Crompton
Title: "People still use those?" Cyborg Crompton, though call her that and she will probably have a Golem come into your home in the middle of the night and smash all your furniture, or something like that.
Age: "Seriously, this matters? Ugh. 20 something, I stopped counting after 18."
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.
Profession: "Mecha Mastermind?" Adela works for the government creating top of the line magically infused mechanic weapons, ranging from golems to robots to mechanic weapons even to simple inventions to aid day to day life.
Citadel Nationality: Gilder! Having lived within the Golden Tower her entire lifetime, she would never want it any other way. Some people rumor her father was originally a Ivorum who fled to the Golden Tower, for what reason is unknown, though her mother has lived within the Golden Tower her entire lifetime as well.

Adela was originally a member of the Copper Cobble, however due to her skills with machinery, she has worked her way up to a social member of the Golden Gentry. Though having worked her way up, Adela seems to care little for the politics of social class. She does not conform to your typical 'Golden Gentry' woman. All her entire, no matter how regal, has a comfortable sway to it. "If I couldn't wear it to work, I wouldn't want to wear it at all."


Magus: Zachariah Crompton, her grandfather.
Minor Arcanas: CONSTRUCT--> Minor Feature and Function Transmutation Arcana ; CONSTRUCT--> Minor Prosthetics Shaping Arcana ; CONSTRUCT--> Minor Mechanical Cybernetics Arcana ;
Anchoring: Adela's best work was always done with the use of mechanisms, either mechanical gloves or goggles, she found the use of technology to create BETTER technology seemed to be her niche. In order to permanently upgrade her casting ability, she and her Neophyte, Minerva Blaylock, created a permanent film like contact that went over the top of her eye, covering her iris. The film, or more like a screen (think of contacts, except high-tech), allows Adela to see technology and machinery MUCH differently. The magic in which fuses together a golem is within a small contact, placed in her eye which anchors her casting to a smoother process. Such has created her eyes to no longer have visible pupils, giving off this bluish-green glow to her eyes. This simply allows her to focus her energy on crafting, the anchor itself is not the contacts, but the ability of movement they give through her form. These contacts make her proficiency much more accurate, boosting her confidence, and pinpointing her focus.
Casting: A much more typical process, Adela's casting is used through her hand work and through tools, melding and building works of art, as she likes to think of them.


Rumors: "Cyborg Crompton? She's an experiment waiting to fail. You don't just come from the Copper Cobble into the Golden Gentry and act like you don't CARE about anything!"
"Her mechanical cybernetics work is absolutely amazing. Some of her work seems to infuse Mechanical Cybernetics with Prosthetics Shaping and she has really created a new era of human technological advancements."
"So does she like girls or guys, or both?" "Isn't she part mechanics herself?" "Maybe she is into Golems.."
"She's a heroine for all the Copper Cobbles who wish to be known as something more. She made a name for herself and doesn't seek anyone's approval. I wish she had taken me on as a Neophyte and not Minerva."
"She is creating abominations, not works of genius."
Political Standpoint: Though she WISHES she could give a rat's ass about politics, due to her standing in the Golden Gentry as well as being a militia based high-tech machinist, Adela has nervous feelings about politics. She fears someone will take things too far, and it will be a full-out 'every man for him/her self' type of ending. There is powerful magic within The Citadel, she herself aids in creating such weaponry and automats in which are supposed to be designed for war, though she feels as though she holds back on her work designed for violence where as her work with advancements and such seem much more developed. With a fear that the government may catch on to her reluctance and force her to put her best work into killing machines, and what that product could result in, Adela borders on simply wishing to give up her position to avoid what chaos could come of her work.

It is also rumored she is a political figure among the Copper Cobble people. For one of their own to work their way up so independently and create a better life as well as pave the way for others is revolutionary. She does not support the slavery of automats, rather that they should be allied with, as eventually, they will realize such and revolt, if they are advanced enough. She has the unspoken support of many Copper Cobble people, and though some Golden Gentry support her work, many oppose her, her revolutionary views and work frightening. She wishes for a BETTER Golden Tower, but fears she can not accomplish such.
Religious Standpoint: "I worship the big cog-wheel in the sky" A sarcastic atheist, it seems.
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PostSubject: Re: WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters)   WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2015 7:20 pm

Blue Suite

.:: THE BASICS ::.

WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) 15ro3o2
Name: Minerva Blaylock
Title: Neophyte to Adela Crompton. Nova, which means 'New', a nickname given to her by Adela. Some call her an Auto-Mat Hybrid, or a common nickname, 'Mecharva'.
Age: Somewhere between 15-18, though no one really knows for sure.
Sexual Orientation: "What does that even mean?"
Profession: She used to work in a large factory like building creating auto-mats for Golden Gentry folk, however when she had a terrible working accident that nearly cost her life, Minerva was taken in by Adela Crompton as a Neophyte and assistant.
Citadel Nationality: Her mother, who raised her alone, is a Gilder. Her father, however, is a Vermillion, Minerva barely knowing much of him.
Golden Vermillion


Magus: Adela Crompton
Minor Arcanas: TBA
Anchoring: TBA
Casting TBA


Rumors: "I heard she can fly."
"Didn't she get into a machinery accident that put a hole in her chest and punctured a lung or something? How is she still alive?"
"She got lucky, getting Adela Crompton to take her in. How did she manage to get that position?"
"Adela and Minerva are a bad combination. Two troublemakers encouraging one another. Something needs stop them, someone."
"She OPENLY stated she doesn't think auto-mats and golems should be servants... What's wrong with her!?"
Political Standpoint: "Eh."
Religious Standpoint: "Ugh."
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PostSubject: Re: WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters)   WAM BAM ZAM ZAM (Zambie's Characters) I_icon_minitime

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